Monday, August 29, 2011

Warm and Fuzzy Mornings

     Morning is the best time for us as a family.  R usually makes a hot breakfast of eggs and bacon and then ends our meal with a time for prayer and Bible study.  We bond with God and with each other.  I will never forget these special times.  

Even the baby feasts on food and the Word.

There's sure to be laughter and girl giggles.  

Baby eats everything, including himself.

S cuddles with Daddy.  Sometimes she does this by hanging on his shoulder as if she were a lamb.

Baby doesn't have the height nor weight to overcome his sisters and climb on Daddy...yet.

Creeds = Love

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beat the Heat: Ice House Canyon

     We braved the heat yesterday and hiked Ice House Canyon with a dear friend and her daughter.  Though it was around 100F down the mountain, it felt like a comfortable 80F in our hike.  We were surrounded by trees as we walked along the Ice Canyon stream, with cold wafts from the melted snow going down the canyon.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Father and Son

     He may be a Mama's boy, but he loves his daddy nearly as much ;-).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On the Go!

     My little man is set to climb and conquer and destroy.  We call him the "Terminator."  

Up he goes....

Almost made it.... 

Caught in the act!

Stepping on the markers might just give him the edge towards that temptation on the art easel...

If the markers won't work, let's try the exersaucer!

Hmmm, these look tasty...


      Growing up, I longed to have a sister, especially an older one.  Providence would have it otherwise as my brother was born first.  Glad I can live this dream through my girls.  I love their sisterhood!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Life, Love, and Laughter

     Laughter seems to grow with age, at least among Filipino folk.  We seem to know how to laugh at ourselves and others ;-).  


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Books, books, books

     I decided to focus on the books we have around the house.  It was a trip trying to figure out a dynamic way to present something that is immobile.  Does that make sense?

The baby has his stash of board books.....

These are the books on my hubby's night stand.   The  ironic thing is that the only one he's really reading is the Narnia book.  He's going through it with the girls.

These are the ones on my night stand.  I occasionally read the "Album,"  a compilation of Spanish essays.  I love revisiting Pride and Prejudice when I'm in the mood.  I've read that book enough times to remember every scene I chance upon.  

Friday, August 19, 2011

Critiquing my own work: San Antonio Falls Hike

     I am posting up some of my photos to critique them.  I know I have a long road on improving my work and it begins with the willingness to be self-critical--not for self pity's sake but as a means of improving myself.  Feel free to give constructive comments.

I wish the resolution where a little sharper.  The colors are washed out by the haze.   

Perhaps a black and white version would be better here?

I like the composition here but again the colors are drab.  It probably could a bit more flash on the rocks.

A sharper image would make it better.  Some more color saturation too?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

      It's hot hot hot.  I've lived in this state for most of my life and I still remember heat in December.  The nice thing about this summer though is the upcoming first birthday of my baby boy.  My girls are growing like weeds but growing into lovely flowers.

 E helping S with her tap shoes

She's getting so big.

This boy is no longer a baby...